Lady at Mammogram

Take Action!

Explore practical tools that you can use to protect you and your family in the fight against cancer.

Cancer Prevention

Lower the chances of getting cancer for you and your family

CDC Breast Cancer Video
This CDC video shares the importance of genetic counseling as a method of cancer prevention for those with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer. Hear Jackie's story and the actions she took to prevent cancer.

CDC African-American Men and Lung Cancer Awareness Sheet

According to the CDC, African-American men have the highest rates of lung cancer in the U.S. Smoking causes most lung cancers. There is no safe way to smoke and when someone smokes around people, everyone smokes! Secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer and other health problems for people who have never smoked, including children. Risk for lung cancer goes down when a person quits smoking. It’s never too late to quit.


Men & Cancer
Healthy eating, physical activity and being lean reduces the risk of the most common cancers that affect men

Screening for Prostate Cancer Saves Lives
Hear from Rod Reed, Head Coach of the Tennessee State University Football Team, as he discusses
the importance of prostate screening and prevention. Prostate cancer affects 1 in 7 men and
1 in 4 African American men. Prostate cancer is treatable and can be found early through screening. Screening is as easy as a PSA Blood Test and a physical examination. For more information on prostate cancer and screening, please visit

Breast Cancer
Knowing your cancer risk and being proactive about your health may help you take steps to lower your risk for getting breast or ovarian cancer, or find it at an early stage!

Cervical Cancer
Screening tests can find abnormal cells so they can be treated before they turn into cancer.

Cancer Screening

Find cancer early when it is easier to treat

Screen for life: Meryl Streep

Cancer Survivorship

Maximize quality of life for you or your loved ones while battling and living with cancer

Breast Cancer Survivors
There are 3.1 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S.

CDC Breast Cancer Video
In this CDC video, breast cancer survivor, Carlotta shares the importance of being your own advocate. Watch the video to see a glimpse of her journey from diagnosis to survivorship.